
The July 2016 Ethiopia Training in Household Air Pollution (ETHAP) was a three-day training workshop on household air pollution (HAP) and exposure monitoring targeting 1) members of NIH-funded GEOHealth Hubs that include a focus on HAP, and 2) investigators currently engaged or interested in household air pollution research and exposure monitoring. ETHAP was run by a team of international experts from the University of California, Berkeley; University of Southern California, and the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, in coordination with the Eastern Africa GEOHealth Hub and the Horn of Africa Environmental Regional Center and Network (HOAREC).

Curriculum PDFs

Day I

  1. ETHAP Overview
  2. Global Burden of Disease
  3. Study Design Issues
  4. Overview and Frameworks

Day II -  March 22, 2016

  1. Household Air Pollution
  2. Stove Usage and Adoption
  3. Personal Exposure
