HAP Trainings — Kirk R. Smith • Professor of Global Environmental Health • University of California, Berkeley

Household Air Pollution Trainings

Since 2011, our research group has run global trainings on Household Air Pollution covering a range of topics, including Env. Health Sciences basics, exposure science, study design, and health effects and health-related measurement. To date, we have run trainings in Guatemala, India, Bhutan, and Ethiopia. 


Ethiopia Training in Household Air Pollution, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The July 2016 Ethiopia Training in Household Air Pollution (ETHAP) was a three-day training workshop on household air pollution (HAP) and exposure monitoring targeting 1) members of NIH-funded GEOHealth Hubs that include a focus on HAP, and 2) investigators currently engaged or interested in household air pollution research and exposure monitoring. ETHAP was run by a team of international experts from the University of California, Berkeley; University of Southern California, and the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, in coordination with the Eastern Africa GEOHealth Hub and the Horn of Africa Environmental Regional Center and Network (HOAREC).

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Training in Household Air Pollution, Paro, Bhutan

The March 21-25, 2016 Training in Household Air Pollution (THAP) in Bhutan was a five-day training workshop on household air pollution (HAP) and monitoring targeting officials, practitioners, and academics currently involved or interested in initiating research related to HAP including evaluation of health and other impacts from traditional and advanced cook stoves. The main aim of the training was to equip participants with the skills and knowledge to design and evaluate intervention studies and other research programs related to HAP.

Training in Household Air Monitoring, Palwal, India

This training catered to Indian investigators currently engaged or interested in household air pollution research, including projects to evaluate the health and other impacts of traditional and advanced cookstoves and fuels. THAM was hosted by INCLEN, the International Clinical Epidemiology Network with field activities at their SOMAARTH Demographic Development & Environmental Surveillance Site.