Health Effects

Household fuels, low birth weight, and neonatal death in India: The separate impacts of biomass, kerosene, and coal

Epstein MB, Bates MN, Arora NK, Balakrishnan K, Jack DW, Smith KR. Household fuels, low birth weight, and neonatal death in India: The separateimpacts of biomass, kerosene, and coal International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health (2016) 523-532. → Download PDF.

Tackling the world’s forgotten killer

18 January, 2013 "About the worst thing you can do is stick burning stuff in your mouth. Every year, tobacco kills more than six million people, according to the World health Organization. Including secondhand tobacco smoke affecting non-smokers, it is the chief cause of ill-health (measured as lost years of healthy life) among men globally and for everyone in North America and Western Europe.

The terrible disease burden imposed by tobacco is recognized by most people, but the risk of another form of smoke is also highlighted in the new “Global Burden of Disease” report released last Month in The Lancet – smoke from cooking fires. About 40 percent of the world still cooks with solid fuels, like wood and coal, in simple stoves that release substantial amounts of the same kinds of hazardous chemicals found in tobacco smoke directly into the household environment. Indeed, a typical wood cookfire emits 400 cigarettes worth of smoke an hour."

Visit CNN for the rest of the op-ed piece.

Pollutant Emissions and Energy Efficiency under Controlled Conditions for Household Biomass Cookstoves and Implications for Metrics Useful in Setting International Test Standards

Jetter J, Zhao Y, Smith KR, Khan B, Yelverton T, Decarlo P, Hays MD. Pollutant Emissions and Energy Efficiency under Controlled Conditions for Household Biomass Cookstoves and Implications for Metrics Useful in Setting International Test Standards. Environ Sci Technol. 2012 Oct 2;46(19):10827-34. doi: 10.1021/es301693f. Epub 2012 Sep 17.→ Download PDF → Download Supplement PDF

Global Heart: Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution, and Cardiovascular Health

The most recent issue of Global Heart, the Official Journal of the World Heart Foundation, is dedicated to Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Health (click here to see the Table of Contents ). Attached here are two of the articles related to Household Air Pollution.

1. Baumgartner J, Smith KR, Chockalingam A. Reducing CVD Through Improvements in Household Energy Implications for Policy-Relevant Research. (2012) Global Heart 7:3. 243-247. Download PDF.

2. Pandey MR. Household Smoke Pollution and Chronic Cor Pulmonale. (2012) Global Heart 7:3. 261-263.Download PDF.

Cooking practices, air quality, and the acceptability of advanced cookstoves in Haryana, India: an exploratory study to inform large-scale interventions

Mukhopadhyay R, Sambandam S, Pillarisetti A, Jack D, Mukhopadhyay K, Balakrishnan K, Vaswani M, Bates MN, Kinney PL, Arora N, & Smith, KR. (2012). Cooking practices, air quality, and the acceptability of advanced cookstoves in Haryana, India: an exploratory study to inform large-scale interventions. Global Health Action, 5. doi:10.3402/gha.v5i0.19016→ Download PDF

Kerosene: A Review of Household Uses and their Hazards in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Lam NL, Smith KR, Gauthier A, Bates MN. Kerosene: A Review of Household Uses and their Hazards in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B: Critical Reviews, 15:6, 396-432 (2012).→ Download PDF

Demographic change and carbon dioxide emissions

O'Neill BC, Liddle B, Jiang L, Smith KR, Pachauri S, Dalton M, Fuchs R. Demographic change and carbon dioxide emissions. The Lancet, Available online 9 July 2012, ISSN 0140-6736, 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60958-1.→ Download (PDF)

Biomass fuel and risk of tuberculosis: a case control study from Northern India

P V M Lakshmi, Navkiran Kaur Virdi, J S Thakur, Kirk R Smith, Michael N Bates, Rajesh Kumar. Biomass fuel and risk of tuberculosis: a case–control study from Northern India. J Epidemiol Community Health 2012;66:5 457-461 Published Online First: 30 November 2010 doi:10.1136/jech.2010.115840→ View PDF

Neurodevelopmental performance among school age children in rural Guatemala is associated with prenatal and postnatal exposure to carbon monoxide, a marker for exposure to woodsmoke.

Dix-Cooper L, Eskenazi B, Romero C, Balmes J, and Smith KR. Neurodevelopmental performance among school age children in rural Guatemala is associated with prenatal and postnatal exposur to carbon monoxide, a marker for exposure to woodsmoke. Neurotoxicology (2012). 33:246-254.
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Temperature oscillations may shorten male lifespan via natural selection in utero.

Catalano R, Bruckner TA, Smith KR, Saxton K. "Temperature oscillations may shorten male lifespan via natural selection in utero." Climatic Change (2012), 110:697-797.
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Effect of reduction in household air pollution on childhood pneumonia in Guatemala (RESPIRE): a randomised controlled trial

Smith KR, McCracken JP, Weber MW, Hubbard A, Jenny A, Thompson LM, Balmes J, Diaz A, Arana B, Bruce N. Effect of reduction in household air pollution on childhood pneumonia in Guatemala (RESPIRE): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2011; 378:1717-1726.→ Download PDF

Click here to view the UCB Press Release

Intervention to Lower Household Wood Smoke Exposure in Guatemala Reduces ST-Segment Depression on Electrocardiograms

McCracken J, Smith KR, Stone P, Díaz A, Arana B, Schwartz J. 2011 "Intervention to Lower Household Wood Smoke Exposure in Guatemala Reduces ST-Segment Depression on Electrocardiograms." Environmental Health Perspectives 119:1562-1568. doi:10.1289/ehp.1002834
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Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in rural women of Tamilnadu: implications for refining disease burden assessments attributable to household biomass combustion

Johnson P, Balakrishnan K, Ramaswamy P, Ghosh S, Sadhasivam M, Abirami O, Satiasekaran BWC, Smith KR, Thanasekaraan V, Subhashini AS. 2011 "Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in rural women of Tamilnadu: implications for refining disease burden assessments attributable to household biomasscombustion." Global Health Action 2011, 4:7226 - DOI: 10.3402/gha.v4i0.7226
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Non-invasive measurement of carbon monoxide burden in Guatemalan children and adults following wood-fired temazcal (sauna-bath) use

Lam, N., Nicas, M., Ruiz-Mercado, I., & Thompson, L., Romero, C., Smith K.R. (2011). Non-invasive measurement of carbon monoxide burden in Guatemalan children and adults following wood-fired temazcal (sauna-bath) use. Journal of Environmental Monitoring.
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Impact of Reduced Maternal Exposures to Woodsmoke from an Introduced Chimney Stove on Newborn Birth Weight in Rural Guatemala

Thompson LM, Bruce N, Eskenazi B, Diaz A, Pope D, Smith KR. 2011. Impact of Reduced Maternal Exposures to Wood Smoke from an Introduced Chimney Stove on Newborn Birth Weight in Rural Guatemala. Environ Health Perspect 119(10): 1489-1494. doi:10.1289/ehp.1002928
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Solid Fuel Use: Health Effect.

Rehfuess EA, Bruce NG and Smith KR. "Solid Fuel Use: Health Effect." Nriagu JO (ed.) Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, v 5, pp. 150-161. Burlington: Elsevier, 2011.
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Household Energy Solutions in Developing Countries

Bruce NG, Rehfuess EA and Smith KR. "Household Energy Solutions in Developing Countries." Nriagu JO (ed.) Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, v 3, pp. 62-75 Burlington: Elsevier, 2011.
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Modeling indoor air pollution from cookstove emissions in developing countries using a Monte Carlo single-box model

Johnson, M., et al., Modeling indoor air pollution from cookstove emissions in developing countries using a Monte Carlo single-box model, Atmospheric Environment (2011), doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.03.044
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Exposures to High Levels of Carbon Monoxide from Wood-Fired Temazcal (Steam Bath) Use in Highland Guatemala

Lisa M. Thompson, Michael Clark, Brie Cadman, Eduardo Canúz, Kirk R. Smith. "Exposures to High Levels of Carbon Monoxide from Wood-Fired Temazcal (Steam Bath) Use in Highland Guatemala" INT J OCCUP ENVIRON HEALTH 2011;17:103–112
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Household coal use and lung cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis of case–control studies, with an emphasis on geographic variation

Hosgood HD, Wei H, Sapkota A, Choudhury I, Bruce N, Smith KR, Rothman N, Lan Q. (2011). 'Household coal use and lung cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis of case–control studies, with an emphasis on geographic variation', International Journal of Epidemiology: 1-10
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