Improved Cooking Stoves

Adoption and sustained use of improved cookstoves

Ruiz-Mercado, I., Masera O, Zamora H, Smith KR. Adoption and sustained use of improved cookstoves. Energy Policy, Volume 39, Issue 12, December 2011, Pages 7557-7566, ISSN 0301-4215, 10.1016/j.enpol.2011.03.028.
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A Chinese National Improved Stove Program for the 21st Century to Promote Rural Social and Economic Development (in English & Chinese)

Smith KR, Keyun D. A Chinese National Improved Stove Program for the 21st Century to Promote Rural Social and Economic Development, Energy Policy Research #1: 24-25, 2010 (in English and Chinese)
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Wood, the fuel that warms four times

Smith KR, Wood, the fuel that warms four times, Poor People's Energy Outlook, Practical Action, Rugby UK, pp. 38-43, 2010.
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What's Cooking?

Smith KR. What's Cooking? A Brief Update. Energy for Sustainable Development. 2010;14(4):251→ Download PDF

The Indian National Initiative for Advanced Biomass Cookstoves: The benefits of clean combustion Energy for Sustainable Development

Venkataraman C,Sagar AD,Habib G,Lam N,Smith KR(2010)The Indian National Initiative for Advanced Biomass Cookstoves: The benefits of clean combustionEnergy for Sustainable Development 14: 63-72,2010. →Download PDF

Combining individual- and group-level exposure information: Child carbon monoxide in the Guatemala woodstove randomized control trial (RESPIRE)

McCracken JP,Schwartz J,Bruce N, Mittleman M, Ryan LM, Smith KR (2009) Combining individual- and group-level exposure information: Child carbon monoxide in the Guatemala woodstove randomized control trial (RESPIRE) Epidemiology20 (1): 127-136, 2009.
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Fuel use and design analysis of improved woodburning cookstoves in the Guatemalan Highlands

Granderson J, Sandhu JS, Vasquez D, Ramirez E, Smith KR (2009) Fuel use and design analysis of improved woodburning cookstoves in the Guatemalan Highlands Biomass and Bioenergy33: 306-315, 2009.
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Household CO and PM measured as part of a review of China’s National Improved Stove Program

Edwards RD, Liu Y, He G, Yin Z, Sinton J, Peabody J, Smith KR(2007) Household CO and PM measured as part of a review of China’s National Improved Stove Program. Indoor Air;17: 189–203.
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Design considerations for field studies of changes in indoor air pollution due to improved stoves.

Edwards R, Hubbard A, Khalakdina A, Pennise D, Smith KR (2007) Design considerations for field studies of changes in indoor air pollution due to improved stoves. Energy for Sustainable Development;11(2):71-81.
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Performance testing for monitoring improved biomass stove interventions: experiences of the Household Energy and Health Project

Bailis R, Berrueta V, Chengappa C, Dutta K, Masera O, Still D, Smith KR (2007) Performance testing for monitoring improved biomass stove interventions: experiences of the Household Energy and Health Project Energy for Sustainable Development;11(2):57-70
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Impact of Patsari improved cookstoves on indoor air quality in Michoacán, Mexico

Masera O, Edwards R, Armendáriz Arnez C, Berrueta V, Johnson M, Rojas Bracho L, Riojas-Rodríguez H, Smith KR (2007) Impact of Patsari improved cookstoves on indoor air quality in Michoacán, Mexico. Energy for Sustainable Development;11(2):45-56.
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Impact of improved cookstoves on indoor air quality in the Bundelkhand region in India.

Chengappa C, Edwards R, Bajpai R, Naumoff Shields K, Smith KR (2007) Impact of improved cookstoves on indoor air quality in the Bundelkhand region in India. Energy for Sustainable Development;11(2):33-44.
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Monitoring and evaluation of improved biomass cookstove programs for indoor air quality and stove performance: conclusions from the Household Energy and Health Project

Smith KR, Dutta K, Chengappa C, Gusain PPS, Masera O, Berrueta V, Edwards R, Bailis R, Naumoff Shields K (2007) Monitoring and evaluation of improved biomass cookstove programs for indoor air quality and stove performance: conclusions from the Household Energy and Health Project. Energy for Sustainable Development;11(2):5-18
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You don’t get what you expect, you get what you inspect.

Smith KR (2007) You don’t get what you expect, you get what you inspect. Energy for Sustainable Development11(2):3-4.You don’t get what you expect, you get what you inspect.
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Modeling household fuel use toward reporting of the Millennium Development Goal indicator.

Mehta S, Gore F, Pruss-Ustun A, Rehfuess E, Smith KR (2006) Modeling household fuel use toward reporting of the Millennium Development Goal indicator. Energy for Sustainable Development10(3):36-45.
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Impact of Improved Stoves on Indoor Air Quality in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Cowlin SC, Kaufmann RB, Edwards R, Smith KR (2005) Impact of Improved Stoves on Indoor Air Quality in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), World Bank, Washington DC.

Indoor Air Pollution from Household Fuel Combustion in China: a Review

Zhang J, Smith, KR. "Indoor Air Pollution from Household Fuel Combustion in China: a Review." The 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. Beijing, China, September 4-9, 2005.→ Download PDF

IAP: Update on the Impacts of Household Solid Fuels

Smith, KR (2005) "Indoor Air Pollution: Update on the Impact of Household Solid Fuels." Environment Matters (2005). 14-16.
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An assessment of programs to promote improved househld stoves in China.

Sinton JE, Smith KR, Peabody JW, Yaping L, Xiliang Z, Edwards R, Quan G (2004) An assessment of programs to promote improved househld stoves in China. Energy for Sustainable Development 8(3):33-52.
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Indoor Air Pollution Associated with Household Fuel Use in India: An exposure assessment and modeling exercise in rural districts of Andhra Pradesh, India.

Balakrishnan K, Mehta S, Kumar P, Ramaswamy P, Sambandam S, Kumar KS, Smith KR (2004) Indoor Air Pollution Associated with Household Fuel Use in India: An exposure assessment and modeling exercise in rural districts of Andhra Pradesh, India. Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP), World Bank, Washington DC.
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