Recent Publications

Mortality Impacts of Urban Air Pollution

Cohen AJ, Anderson HR, Ostro B, Pandey KD, Krzyzanowski M, Kuenzli N, Gutschmidt K, Pope CA, Romieu I, Samet JM, Smith KR (2004) Mortality Impacts of Urban Air Pollution. ibid. pp.1353-1433.
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Comparative Quantification of Health Risks: Global and Regional Burden of Disease due to Selected Major Risk Factors

Smith KR, Mehta S, Maeusezahl-Feuz M (2004) Indoor smoke from household solid fuels.In Ezzati M, Rodgers AD, Lopez AD, Murray CJL (eds) Comparative Quantification of Health Risks: Global and Regional Burden of Disease due to Selected Major Risk Factors, Geneva: World Health Organization, Vol 2: pp. 1435-1493.
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Indoor Air Pollution Associated with Household Fuel Use in India: An exposure assessment and modeling exercise in rural districts of Andhra Pradesh, India.

Balakrishnan K, Mehta S, Kumar P, Ramaswamy P, Sambandam S, Kumar KS, Smith KR (2004) Indoor Air Pollution Associated with Household Fuel Use in India: An exposure assessment and modeling exercise in rural districts of Andhra Pradesh, India. Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP), World Bank, Washington DC.
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Renewable Energy from Biomass

Kaltschmitt M, Thran D, Smith KR (2003) Renewable Energy from Biomass. Encyclopedia of Physical Sciences and Technology, Third Edition, Volume 14. Academic Press/Elsevier, Burlington, MA.
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Characterization of Non-methane Hydrocarbons Emitted from Various Cookstoves Used in China

Tsai SM, Zhang J, Smith KR, Ma Y, Rasmussen RA, Khalil MAK (2003) Characterization of Non-methane Hydrocarbons Emitted from Various Cookstoves Used in China. Environ. Sci. Technol37:2869-2877.
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Models to predict emissions of health-damaging pollutants and global warming contributions of residential fuel/stove combinations in China.

Edwards RD, Smith KR, Zhang J, Ma Y (2003) Models to predict emissions of health-damaging pollutants and global warming contributions of residential fuel/stove combinations in China. Chemosphere 50(2):201-15.
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Indoor air pollution: a global health concern.

Zhang J and Smith KR (2003) Indoor air pollution: a global health concern. British Medical Bulletin 68: 209–225.
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Indoor air pollution and acute respiratory infections

Smith KR (2003) Indoor air pollution and acute respiratory infections. Indian Pediatrics 40(9):815-819.
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The burden of disease from indoor air pollution in developing countries: comparison of estimates

Smith KR and Mehta S (2003) The burden of disease from indoor air pollution in developing countries: comparison of estimates. Int J Hyg Environ Health 206(4-5):279-289.
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In Praise of Petroleum?

Smith KR (2002) In Praise of Petroleum? Science 298(5600):1847.

Selected major risk factors and global and regional burden of disease

Ezzati M, Lopez AD, Rodgers A, Vander Hoorn S, Murray CJL, and the Comparative Risk Assessment Collaborating Group* (2002) Selected major risk factors and global and regional burden of disease. Lancet 360: 1347–60.
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The origin, fate, and health effects of combustion by-products: a research framework

Avakian MD, Dellinger B, Fiedler H, Gullet B, Koshland C, Marklund S, Oberdorster G, Safe S, Sarofim A, Smith KR, Schwartz D, Suk WA (2002) The origin, fate, and health effects of combustion by-products: a research framework. Environ Health Perspect 110(11):1155-62.
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Exposure efficiency: an idea whose time has come?

Evans J, S Wolff, K Phonboon, J Levy, KR Smith, Exposure efficiency: an idea whose time has come?, Chemosphere, 49(9): 1075-1091, 2002
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The Implications of Graduation: Why Developing Nations Will Never Produce More Greenhouse Gases Than Developed Countries

Green D and Smith KR (2002) The Implications of Graduation: Why Developing Nations Will Never Produce More Greenhouse Gases Than Developed Countries. J of Energy and Development 28(1):15-40.
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Why particles?

Smith KR and M Jantunen (2002) Why particles? Chemosphere 49(9):867-71.
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Indoor air pollution in developing countries: recommendations for research

Smith KR (2002) Indoor air pollution in developing countries: recommendations for research. Indoor Air 12(3):198-207. See also associated editorial by KR Smith and J Sundell, p. 145-146.
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Outdoor air pollution and acute respiratory infections among children in developing countries

Romieu I, Samet JM, Smith KR, Bruce N (2002) Outdoor air pollution and acute respiratory infections among children in developing countries. J Occup Environ Med 44(7):640-649.
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Defining intake fraction

Bennett DH, TE McKone, JS Evans, WW Nazaroff, MD Margni, O Jolliet, KR Smith, Defining intake fraction, Environ Sci and Technol.36:207A-211A, 2002.
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Places Make Poision

Smith KR, Place makes the poison, J Exposure Anal and Environ Epidemiol. 12: 167-171, 2002
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Emissions of greenhouse gases and other airborne pollutants from charcoal making in Kenya and Brazil

Pennise DM, Smith KR, Kithinji JP, Rezende ME, Raad TJ, Zhang J, Fan C (2001) Emissions of greenhouse gases and other airborne pollutants from charcoal making in Kenya and Brazil. J Geophysical Research-Atmosphere 106:24143-55.
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