Development and Climate Change Benefits of Clean Energy in India

Banerjee R, Sagar A, Smith KR (eds), Development and Climate Change Benefits of Clean Energy in India, (part of the Woods Hole Research Center Project, Linking Climate Policy with Development Strategy in Brazil, China, and India: JP Holdren, PI). Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, 2007.
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Policies for accelerating access to clean energy, improving health, advancing development, and mitigating climate change

Haines A, Smith KR, Anderson D, Epstein PR, McMichael AJ, Roberts I, Wilkinson P, Woodcock J, Woods J (2007) Policies for accelerating access to clean energy, improving health, advancing development, and mitigating climate change. Series on Energy and Health #6, Lancet 370: 66-83.
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Energy, energy efficiency, and the built environment

Wilkinson P, Smith KR, Beevers S, Tonne C, Oreszczyn T (2007) Energy, energy efficiency, and the built environment. Series on Energy and Health #4, Lancet 370: 42-54,.
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A global perspective on energy: health effects and injustices

Wilkinson P, Smith KR, Joffe M, Haines A (2007) A global perspective on energy: health effects and injustices. Series on Energy and Health #1, Lancet 370: 5-18.
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Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability

Confalonieri, U., B. Menne, R. Akhtar, K.L. Ebi, M. Hauengue, R.S. Kovats, B. Revich and A. Woodward (2007) Human health, Ch 8,; In Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden and C.E. Hanson, Eds., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 391-431.
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Household CO and PM measured as part of a review of China’s National Improved Stove Program

Edwards RD, Liu Y, He G, Yin Z, Sinton J, Peabody J, Smith KR(2007) Household CO and PM measured as part of a review of China’s National Improved Stove Program. Indoor Air;17: 189–203.
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An inexpensive light-scattering particle monitor: field validation

Chowdhury Z, Edwards R, Johnson M, Naumoff Shields K, Allen T, Canuz E, Smith KR(2007) An inexpensive light-scattering particle monitor: field validation. J Environ Monit 9:(10), 1099-1106. →Download PDF

Lung function and symptoms among indigenous Mayan women exposed to high levels of indoor air pollution

Díaz E, Bruce N, Pope D, Lie RT, Díaz A, Arana B, Smith KR, Smith-Sivertsen T (2007) Lung function and symptoms among indigenous Mayan women exposed to high levels of indoor air pollution. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 11(12):1372–1379.
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Chimney Stove Intervention to Reduce Longterm Woodsmoke Exposure Lowers Blood Pressure among Guatemalan Women

McCracken JP, Smith KR, Díaz A, Mittleman MA, Schwartz J (2007) Chimney Stove Intervention to Reduce Longterm Woodsmoke Exposure Lowers Blood Pressure among Guatemalan Women. Environ Health Perspect. 115:996–1001.→ Download PDF

Pneumonia case-finding in the RESPIRE Guatemala indoor air pollution trial: standardizing methods for resource-poor settings.

Bruce N,Weber M, Arana B, Diaz A, Jenny A, Thompson L, McCracken J, Dherani M, Juarez D, Ordonez S, Klein R & Smith KR (2007) Pneumonia case-finding in the RESPIRE Guatemala indoor air pollution trial: standardizing methods for resource-poor settings. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 85:535–544.
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Design considerations for field studies of changes in indoor air pollution due to improved stoves.

Edwards R, Hubbard A, Khalakdina A, Pennise D, Smith KR (2007) Design considerations for field studies of changes in indoor air pollution due to improved stoves. Energy for Sustainable Development;11(2):71-81.
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Performance testing for monitoring improved biomass stove interventions: experiences of the Household Energy and Health Project

Bailis R, Berrueta V, Chengappa C, Dutta K, Masera O, Still D, Smith KR (2007) Performance testing for monitoring improved biomass stove interventions: experiences of the Household Energy and Health Project Energy for Sustainable Development;11(2):57-70
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Impact of Patsari improved cookstoves on indoor air quality in Michoacán, Mexico

Masera O, Edwards R, Armendáriz Arnez C, Berrueta V, Johnson M, Rojas Bracho L, Riojas-Rodríguez H, Smith KR (2007) Impact of Patsari improved cookstoves on indoor air quality in Michoacán, Mexico. Energy for Sustainable Development;11(2):45-56.
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Impact of improved cookstoves on indoor air quality in the Bundelkhand region in India.

Chengappa C, Edwards R, Bajpai R, Naumoff Shields K, Smith KR (2007) Impact of improved cookstoves on indoor air quality in the Bundelkhand region in India. Energy for Sustainable Development;11(2):33-44.
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Impact of improved biomass cookstoves on indoor air quality near Pune, India. Energy for Sustainable Development

Dutta K, Naumoff Shields K, Edwards R, Smith KR (2007) Impact of improved biomass cookstoves on indoor air quality near Pune, India. Energy for Sustainable Development11(2):19-32.
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Monitoring and evaluation of improved biomass cookstove programs for indoor air quality and stove performance: conclusions from the Household Energy and Health Project

Smith KR, Dutta K, Chengappa C, Gusain PPS, Masera O, Berrueta V, Edwards R, Bailis R, Naumoff Shields K (2007) Monitoring and evaluation of improved biomass cookstove programs for indoor air quality and stove performance: conclusions from the Household Energy and Health Project. Energy for Sustainable Development;11(2):5-18
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You don’t get what you expect, you get what you inspect.

Smith KR (2007) You don’t get what you expect, you get what you inspect. Energy for Sustainable Development11(2):3-4.You don’t get what you expect, you get what you inspect.
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Household Air Pollution from Coal and Biomass Fuels in China: Measurements, Health Impacts, and Interventions

Zhang J and Smith KR (2007) Household Air Pollution from Coal and Biomass Fuels in China: Measurements, Health Impacts, and Interventions. Environ Health Perspect 115:848–855.
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Woodsmoke Health Effects: A Review

Naeher L, Brauer M, Lipsett M, Zelikoff J, Simpson CD, Koenig JQ, Smith KR, Woodsmoke Health Effects: A Review, Informa Healthcare. 19: 67-106, 2007.→ Download PDF

Risk of Tuberculosis From Exposure to Tobacco Smoke A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Bates MN, Khalakdina A, Pai M, Chang L, Lessa F, Smith KR (2007) Risk of Tuberculosis From Exposure to Tobacco Smoke A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med. 167:335-342.
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