2012 Global Energy Assessment

The Global Energy Assessment (GEA) involves specialists from a range of scientific and engineering disciplines, industry groups, and policy areas in defining a new global energy policy agenda, that transforms the way society thinks about, uses and delivers energy and to facilitate equitable and sustainable energy services for all, in particular the two billion people who currently lack access to clean, modern energy. GEA is the first ever fully integrated energy assessment that analyzes energy challenges, opportunities and strategies, for developing, industrialized and emerging economies. It is supported by government and non-governmental organizations, the United Nations Systems, and the private sector and was subject to rigorous and independent analysis and review. Click here to see the full table of contents. All 25 chapters can be downloaded from IIASA. Attached here are two sections:

Key Findings, Technical Summary, and Summary for Policy Makers

Chapter 4: Energy and Health, Smith KR, Balakrishnan K, Butler C, Chafe Z, Fairlie I, Kinney P, Kjellstrom T, Mauzerall DL, McKone T, McMichael A, Schneider M, Wilkinson P, 2012. In Global Energy Assessment: Toward a Sustainable Future, ed. GEA Team. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press and International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis